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 Alternate Login ID Alternate login ID of the user Client Request ID Identifier for a user session Authentication Methods References Used to indicate all authentication methods used to authenticate the user Update Password URL Used to display the web address of update password service Password Expiration Days Used to display the number of days to password expiry Password Expiration Time Used to display the time when the password expires Inside Corporate Network Used to indicate if a request originated inside corporate network X.509 Version The X.509 format version of a certificate Thumbprint Thumbprint of the certificate V1 Template Name The name of the version 1 certificate template used when issuing or renewing a certificate. The extension is Microsoft specific. V2 Template Name The name of the version 2 certificate template used when issuing or renewing a certificate. The extension is Microsoft specific. Subject Name The subject distinguished name from a certificate Subject Key Identifier Describes the subject key identifier of the certificate Subject The subject from the certificate Signature Algorithm The algorithm used to create the signature of a certificate Serial Number The serial number of a certificate Subject Alternative Name One of the alternative names of the certificate Certificate Raw Data The raw data of the certificate Public Key Public Key of the certificate Certificate Policies The policies under which the certificate has been issued Not Before The date in local time on which a certificate becomes valid Not After Date in local time after which a certificate is no longer valid Key Usage One of the key usages of the certificate Issuer Name The distinguished name of the certificate issuer Issuer The name of the certificate authority that issued the X.509 certificate Enhanced Key Usage Describes one of the enhanced key usages of the certificate Basic Constraint One of the basic constraints of the certificate Authority Key Identifier The Authority Key Identifier extension of the certificate that signed an issued certificate Application policies Application policies of the certificate Application Identifier Identifier for the Relying Party Proxy DNS name of the federation server proxy that passed the request Endpoint Path Absolute Endpoint path which can be used to determine active versus passive clients Client IP IP address of the client Client User Agent Device type the client is using to access the application Client Application Type of the Client Application Forwarded Client IP IP address of the user Is Managed Device Device is managed by a management service Device OS Version OS version of the device Device OS type OS type of the device Device Registration DisplayName Display name of Device Registration Device Registration Identifier Identifier for Device Registration Device Identifier Identifier of the device Is Registered User User is registered to use this device Windows account name The domain account name of the user in the form of domain\user Primary SID The primary SID of the user Primary group SID The primary group SID of the user Group SID The group SID of the user Deny only primary group SID The deny-only primary group SID of the user Deny only primary SID The deny-only primary SID of the user Deny only group SID The deny-only group SID of the user Authentication method The method used to authenticate the user Authentication time stamp Used to display the time and date that the user was authenticated Name ID The SAML name identifier of the user PPID The private identifier of the user Surname The surname of the user Role A role that the user has AD FS 1.x UPN The UPN of the user when interoperating with AD FS 1.1 or AD FS 1.0 Group A group that the user is a member of AD FS 1.x E-Mail Address The e-mail address of the user when interoperating with AD FS 1.1 or AD FS 1.0 Common Name The common name of the user UPN The user principal name (UPN) of the user Name The unique name of the user Given Name The given name of the user E-Mail Address The e-mail address of the user JU eduPersonTargetedID JU displayName JU eduPersonAssurance JU orcid JU Assurance-Certification JU surName JU givenName JU norEduPersonNIN SWAMID personnummer 12 tecken JU personalIdentityNumber Swedish ”personnummer” or ”samordningsnummer” according to SKV 704 and SKV 707. 12 digits without hyphen.
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 Alternate Login ID Alternate login ID of the user Client Request ID Identifier for a user session Authentication Methods References Used to indicate all authentication methods used to authenticate the user Update Password URL Used to display the web address of update password service Password Expiration Days Used to display the number of days to password expiry Password Expiration Time Used to display the time when the password expires Inside Corporate Network Used to indicate if a request originated inside corporate network X.509 Version The X.509 format version of a certificate Thumbprint Thumbprint of the certificate V1 Template Name The name of the version 1 certificate template used when issuing or renewing a certificate. The extension is Microsoft specific. V2 Template Name The name of the version 2 certificate template used when issuing or renewing a certificate. The extension is Microsoft specific. Subject Name The subject distinguished name from a certificate Subject Key Identifier Describes the subject key identifier of the certificate Subject The subject from the certificate Signature Algorithm The algorithm used to create the signature of a certificate Serial Number The serial number of a certificate Subject Alternative Name One of the alternative names of the certificate Certificate Raw Data The raw data of the certificate Public Key Public Key of the certificate Certificate Policies The policies under which the certificate has been issued Not Before The date in local time on which a certificate becomes valid Not After Date in local time after which a certificate is no longer valid Key Usage One of the key usages of the certificate Issuer Name The distinguished name of the certificate issuer Issuer The name of the certificate authority that issued the X.509 certificate Enhanced Key Usage Describes one of the enhanced key usages of the certificate Basic Constraint One of the basic constraints of the certificate Authority Key Identifier The Authority Key Identifier extension of the certificate that signed an issued certificate Application policies Application policies of the certificate Application Identifier Identifier for the Relying Party Proxy DNS name of the federation server proxy that passed the request Endpoint Path Absolute Endpoint path which can be used to determine active versus passive clients Client IP IP address of the client Client User Agent Device type the client is using to access the application Client Application Type of the Client Application Forwarded Client IP IP address of the user Is Managed Device Device is managed by a management service Device OS Version OS version of the device Device OS type OS type of the device Device Registration DisplayName Display name of Device Registration Device Registration Identifier Identifier for Device Registration Device Identifier Identifier of the device Is Registered User User is registered to use this device Windows account name The domain account name of the user in the form of domain\user Primary SID The primary SID of the user Primary group SID The primary group SID of the user Group SID The group SID of the user Deny only primary group SID The deny-only primary group SID of the user Deny only primary SID The deny-only primary SID of the user Deny only group SID The deny-only group SID of the user Authentication method The method used to authenticate the user Authentication time stamp Used to display the time and date that the user was authenticated Name ID The SAML name identifier of the user PPID The private identifier of the user Surname The surname of the user Role A role that the user has AD FS 1.x UPN The UPN of the user when interoperating with AD FS 1.1 or AD FS 1.0 Group A group that the user is a member of AD FS 1.x E-Mail Address The e-mail address of the user when interoperating with AD FS 1.1 or AD FS 1.0 Common Name The common name of the user UPN The user principal name (UPN) of the user Name The unique name of the user Given Name The given name of the user E-Mail Address The e-mail address of the user JU eduPersonTargetedID JU displayName JU eduPersonAssurance JU orcid JU Assurance-Certification JU surName JU givenName JU norEduPersonNIN SWAMID personnummer 12 tecken JU personalIdentityNumber Swedish ”personnummer” or ”samordningsnummer” according to SKV 704 and SKV 707. 12 digits without hyphen.
Jönköping University - Gemensam inloggningstjänst Jönköping University - Login service Denna applikation används för inloggning till tjänster hos Jönköping University. This service is used for login to services at Jönköping University. http://ju.se/it-helpdesk.html http://ju.se/en/it-helpdesk.html http://ju.se/it-helpdesk/faq---manualer/mitt-anvandarkonto/ovrigt/gemensam-inloggningstjanst.html http://ju.se/en/it-helpdesk/faq---manuals/my-user-account/other/joint-web-login-service.html https://account.win.hj.se/JU_A_sv_Swamid.png 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 MIIC0DCCAbigAwIBAgIQGbaE3+X1YYdHklQ4dW3+LTANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQsFADAkMSIwIAYDVQQDExlBREZTIFNpZ25pbmcgLSBhZGZzLmp1LnNlMB4XDTE3MDExOTEzMDc1NloXDTI3MDExNzEzMDc1NlowJDEiMCAGA1UEAxMZQURGUyBTaWduaW5nIC0gYWRmcy5qdS5zZTCCASIwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEBBQADggEPADCCAQoCggEBAMnc6vqVRrc+t6WRVO+xjGbrfJEBF97ebTz/3miuHuzaWVsfzVsO+u+rd7sGXOOnZJ7mwFObfcvi63D07DPOjF++3/KygobjhT1yKeWK8HPj2iM75ceHKSciSY7caLwlW+O64gex410XQTmqBvcX1BpWNZkE2oFbdob3B27j+bDlrFo631FM8luO8faVAmvV0EudpzBkmuoSDkK94VN6AWzuUqWybCY3sEiydbh+JncFxyIH6grKs+Pc3DAplMo3HphB4RyY2WIeHyreCoKgb71PWu/BLM92t7h5S5DnhvUbZBv13gP6Uq6RJgj8jlNS3ZlNNZS8NLOV2TzR3cd5LJ8CAwEAATANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQsFAAOCAQEARi0HtjfOnJeaAdAGcVY0KPulzHkGszVyvEs5QMDv5u0NI9D0U/FnEeMaqdEwGKma6YetcbQrCEoNm0cR3Z9FPs6qzahahj0uxjggX5NkP89w9PLeZnEm+prcwsCb9NVNq0dN7TtiInjOh3nA+pDzQD9E6rD4Q1zV68p8+zFa+7vW3/pUc72wN+GQD2x8LF89VbuAegGoLx1VIbcStV6s78G0HpZEWhraepBh1W2OFRZ1avKPO68wvHyhHZD2Uz6O7WIrD5nMhyuH+OUEeMX55qtD+TIIslc51+uGEeCwd9Yrbuu126oxt4duKBVpBan+P+BASVFtEMON41soGgmN/A== urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format:emailAddress urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameid-format:persistent urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameid-format:transient