From ae390b082a620b1159752c38312e349aedb64ec7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Paul Scott Date: Mon, 24 Oct 2016 15:18:15 +0200 Subject: into swamid-interfederations-2.0 --- .../ | 729 +++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 729 insertions(+) create mode 100644 swamid-interfederations-2.0/ (limited to 'swamid-interfederations-2.0/') diff --git a/swamid-interfederations-2.0/ b/swamid-interfederations-2.0/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000..431e882d --- /dev/null +++ b/swamid-interfederations-2.0/ @@ -0,0 +1,729 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + 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 + + + + + + E-Mail Address + The e-mail address of the user + + + Given Name + The given name of the user + + + Name + The unique name of the user + + + UPN + The user principal name (UPN) of the user + + + Common Name + The common name of the user + + + AD FS 1.x E-Mail Address + The e-mail address of the user when interoperating with AD FS 1.1 or AD FS 1.0 + + + Group + A group that the user is a member of + + + AD FS 1.x UPN + The UPN of the user when interoperating with AD FS 1.1 or AD FS 1.0 + + + Role + A role that the user has + + + Surname + The surname of the user + + + PPID + The private identifier of the user + + + Name ID + The SAML name identifier of the user + + + Authentication time stamp + Used to display the time and date that the user was authenticated + + + Authentication method + The method used to authenticate the user + + + Deny only group SID + The deny-only group SID of the user + + + Deny only primary SID + The deny-only primary SID of the user + + + Deny only primary group SID + The deny-only primary group SID of the user + + + Group SID + The group SID of the user + + + Primary group SID + The primary group SID of the user + + + Primary SID + The primary SID of the user + + + Windows account name + The domain account name of the user in the form of domain\user + + + Is Registered User + User is registered to use this device + + + Device Identifier + Identifier of the device + + + Device Registration Identifier + Identifier for Device Registration + + + Device Registration DisplayName + Display name of Device Registration + + + Device OS type + OS type of the device + + + Device OS Version + OS version of the device + + + Is Managed Device + Device is managed by a management service + + + Forwarded Client IP + IP address of the user + + + Client Application + Type of the Client Application + + + Client User Agent + Device type the client is using to access the application + + + Client IP + IP address of the client + + + Endpoint Path + Absolute Endpoint path which can be used to determine active versus passive clients + + + Proxy + DNS name of the federation server proxy that passed the request + + + Application Identifier + Identifier for the Relying Party + + + Application policies + Application policies of the certificate + + + Authority Key Identifier + The Authority Key Identifier extension of the certificate that signed an issued certificate + + + Basic Constraint + One of the basic constraints of the certificate + + + Enhanced Key Usage + Describes one of the enhanced key usages of the certificate + + + Issuer + The name of the certificate authority that issued the X.509 certificate + + + Issuer Name + The distinguished name of the certificate issuer + + + Key Usage + One of the key usages of the certificate + + + Not After + Date in local time after which a certificate is no longer valid + + + Not Before + The date in local time on which a certificate becomes valid + + + Certificate Policies + The policies under which the certificate has been issued + + + Public Key + Public Key of the certificate + + + Certificate Raw Data + The raw data of the certificate + + + Subject Alternative Name + One of the alternative names of the certificate + + + Serial Number + The serial number of a certificate + + + Signature Algorithm + The algorithm used to create the signature of a certificate + + + Subject + The subject from the certificate + + + Subject Key Identifier + Describes the subject key identifier of the certificate + + + Subject Name + The subject distinguished name from a certificate + + + V2 Template Name + The name of the version 2 certificate template used when issuing or renewing a certificate. The extension is Microsoft specific. + + + V1 Template Name + The name of the version 1 certificate template used when issuing or renewing a certificate. The extension is Microsoft specific. + + + Thumbprint + Thumbprint of the certificate + + + X.509 Version + The X.509 format version of a certificate + + + Inside Corporate Network + Used to indicate if a request originated inside corporate network + + + Password Expiration Time + Used to display the time when the password expires + + + Password Expiration Days + Used to display the number of days to password expiry + + + Update Password URL + Used to display the web address of update password service + + + Authentication Methods References + Used to indicate all authentication methods used to authenticate the user + + + Client Request ID + Identifier for a user session + + + + +
+ +
+ +
+ +
+ +
+ +
+ + +
+ + +
+ + + + + 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 + + + + + + + + + + E-Mail Address + The e-mail address of the user + + + Given Name + The given name of the user + + + Name + The unique name of the user + + + UPN + The user principal name (UPN) of the user + + + Common Name + The common name of the user + + + AD FS 1.x E-Mail Address + The e-mail address of the user when interoperating with AD FS 1.1 or AD FS 1.0 + + + Group + A group that the user is a member of + + + AD FS 1.x UPN + The UPN of the user when interoperating with AD FS 1.1 or AD FS 1.0 + + + Role + A role that the user has + + + Surname + The surname of the user + + + PPID + The private identifier of the user + + + Name ID + The SAML name identifier of the user + + + Authentication time stamp + Used to display the time and date that the user was authenticated + + + Authentication method + The method used to authenticate the user + + + Deny only group SID + The deny-only group SID of the user + + + Deny only primary SID + The deny-only primary SID of the user + + + Deny only primary group SID + The deny-only primary group SID of the user + + + Group SID + The group SID of the user + + + Primary group SID + The primary group SID of the user + + + Primary SID + The primary SID of the user + + + Windows account name + The domain account name of the user in the form of domain\user + + + Is Registered User + User is registered to use this device + + + Device Identifier + Identifier of the device + + + Device Registration Identifier + Identifier for Device Registration + + + Device Registration DisplayName + Display name of Device Registration + + + Device OS type + OS type of the device + + + Device OS Version + OS version of the device + + + Is Managed Device + Device is managed by a management service + + + Forwarded Client IP + IP address of the user + + + Client Application + Type of the Client Application + + + Client User Agent + Device type the client is using to access the application + + + Client IP + IP address of the client + + + Endpoint Path + Absolute Endpoint path which can be used to determine active versus passive clients + + + Proxy + DNS name of the federation server proxy that passed the request + + + Application Identifier + Identifier for the Relying Party + + + Application policies + Application policies of the certificate + + + Authority Key Identifier + The Authority Key Identifier extension of the certificate that signed an issued certificate + + + Basic Constraint + One of the basic constraints of the certificate + + + Enhanced Key Usage + Describes one of the enhanced key usages of the certificate + + + Issuer + The name of the certificate authority that issued the X.509 certificate + + + Issuer Name + The distinguished name of the certificate issuer + + + Key Usage + One of the key usages of the certificate + + + Not After + Date in local time after which a certificate is no longer valid + + + Not Before + The date in local time on which a certificate becomes valid + + + Certificate Policies + The policies under which the certificate has been issued + + + Public Key + Public Key of the certificate + + + Certificate Raw Data + The raw data of the certificate + + + Subject Alternative Name + One of the alternative names of the certificate + + + Serial Number + The serial number of a certificate + + + Signature Algorithm + The algorithm used to create the signature of a certificate + + + Subject + The subject from the certificate + + + Subject Key Identifier + Describes the subject key identifier of the certificate + + + Subject Name + The subject distinguished name from a certificate + + + V2 Template Name + The name of the version 2 certificate template used when issuing or renewing a certificate. The extension is Microsoft specific. + + + V1 Template Name + The name of the version 1 certificate template used when issuing or renewing a certificate. The extension is Microsoft specific. + + + Thumbprint + Thumbprint of the certificate + + + X.509 Version + The X.509 format version of a certificate + + + Inside Corporate Network + Used to indicate if a request originated inside corporate network + + + Password Expiration Time + Used to display the time when the password expires + + + Password Expiration Days + Used to display the number of days to password expiry + + + Update Password URL + Used to display the web address of update password service + + + Authentication Methods References + Used to indicate all authentication methods used to authenticate the user + + + Client Request ID + Identifier for a user session + + + + +
+ + + + +
+ + +
+ + + + + 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 + + + + + + + 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 + + + + + + urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format:emailAddress + urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameid-format:persistent + urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameid-format:transient + + + + + + + + + + + Försvarshögskolan + Swedish National Defence College + Identity Provider för Försvarshögskolan + Identity Provider for Swedish National Defence College + + + + + fhs + fhs + + + + + + + + + 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 + + + + + + + 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 + + + + + + urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format:emailAddress + urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameid-format:persistent + urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameid-format:transient + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Försvarshögskolan + Försvarshögskolan + Swedish National Defence College + + + + Alex + Sjöblom + + +46(0)855342545 + +
-- cgit v1.2.3