From 416c53e11c9453a13deb6e39bc0650ab00884f06 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Paul Scott Date: Mon, 16 Apr 2018 11:40:36 +0200 Subject: Resolves SWAMIDOPS-611 --- swamid-2.0/ | 704 +++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 704 insertions(+) create mode 100644 swamid-2.0/ (limited to 'swamid-2.0') diff --git a/swamid-2.0/ b/swamid-2.0/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000..9d9fb655 --- /dev/null +++ b/swamid-2.0/ @@ -0,0 +1,704 @@ + + + + + + + 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 + + + + + + E-Mail Address + The e-mail address of the user + + + Given Name + The given name of the user + + + Name + The unique name of the user + + + UPN + The user principal name (UPN) of the user + + + Common Name + The common name of the user + + + AD FS 1.x E-Mail Address + The e-mail address of the user when interoperating with AD FS 1.1 or AD FS 1.0 + + + Group + A group that the user is a member of + + + AD FS 1.x UPN + The UPN of the user when interoperating with AD FS 1.1 or AD FS 1.0 + + + Role + A role that the user has + + + Surname + The surname of the user + + + PPID + The private identifier of the user + + + Name ID + The SAML name identifier of the user + + + Authentication time stamp + Used to display the time and date that the user was authenticated + + + Authentication method + The method used to authenticate the user + + + Deny only group SID + The deny-only group SID of the user + + + Deny only primary SID + The deny-only primary SID of the user + + + Deny only primary group SID + The deny-only primary group SID of the user + + + Group SID + The group SID of the user + + + Primary group SID + The primary group SID of the user + + + Primary SID + The primary SID of the user + + + Windows account name + The domain account name of the user in the form of domain\user + + + Is Registered User + User is registered to use this device + + + Device Identifier + Identifier of the device + + + Device Registration Identifier + Identifier for Device Registration + + + Device Registration DisplayName + Display name of Device Registration + + + Device OS type + OS type of the device + + + Device OS Version + OS version of the device + + + Is Managed Device + Device is managed by a management service + + + Forwarded Client IP + IP address of the user + + + Client Application + Type of the Client Application + + + Client User Agent + Device type the client is using to access the application + + + Client IP + IP address of the client + + + Endpoint Path + Absolute Endpoint path which can be used to determine active versus passive clients + + + Proxy + DNS name of the federation server proxy that passed the request + + + Application Identifier + Identifier for the Relying Party + + + Application policies + Application policies of the certificate + + + Authority Key Identifier + The Authority Key Identifier extension of the certificate that signed an issued certificate + + + Basic Constraint + One of the basic constraints of the certificate + + + Enhanced Key Usage + Describes one of the enhanced key usages of the certificate + + + Issuer + The name of the certificate authority that issued the X.509 certificate + + + Issuer Name + The distinguished name of the certificate issuer + + + Key Usage + One of the key usages of the certificate + + + Not After + Date in local time after which a certificate is no longer valid + + + Not Before + The date in local time on which a certificate becomes valid + + + Certificate Policies + The policies under which the certificate has been issued + + + Public Key + Public Key of the certificate + + + Certificate Raw Data + The raw data of the certificate + + + Subject Alternative Name + One of the alternative names of the certificate + + + Serial Number + The serial number of a certificate + + + Signature Algorithm + The algorithm used to create the signature of a certificate + + + Subject + The subject from the certificate + + + Subject Key Identifier + Describes the subject key identifier of the certificate + + + Subject Name + The subject distinguished name from a certificate + + + V2 Template Name + The name of the version 2 certificate template used when issuing or renewing a certificate. The extension is Microsoft specific. + + + V1 Template Name + The name of the version 1 certificate template used when issuing or renewing a certificate. The extension is Microsoft specific. + + + Thumbprint + Thumbprint of the certificate + + + X.509 Version + The X.509 format version of a certificate + + + Inside Corporate Network + Used to indicate if a request originated inside corporate network + + + Password Expiration Time + Used to display the time when the password expires + + + Password Expiration Days + Used to display the number of days to password expiry + + + Update Password URL + Used to display the web address of update password service + + + Authentication Methods References + Used to indicate all authentication methods used to authenticate the user + + + Client Request ID + Identifier for a user session + + + + +
+ +
+ +
+ +
+ +
+ +
+ + +
+ + +
+ + + + + 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 + + + + + + + + + + E-Mail Address + The e-mail address of the user + + + Given Name + The given name of the user + + + Name + The unique name of the user + + + UPN + The user principal name (UPN) of the user + + + Common Name + The common name of the user + + + AD FS 1.x E-Mail Address + The e-mail address of the user when interoperating with AD FS 1.1 or AD FS 1.0 + + + Group + A group that the user is a member of + + + AD FS 1.x UPN + The UPN of the user when interoperating with AD FS 1.1 or AD FS 1.0 + + + Role + A role that the user has + + + Surname + The surname of the user + + + PPID + The private identifier of the user + + + Name ID + The SAML name identifier of the user + + + Authentication time stamp + Used to display the time and date that the user was authenticated + + + Authentication method + The method used to authenticate the user + + + Deny only group SID + The deny-only group SID of the user + + + Deny only primary SID + The deny-only primary SID of the user + + + Deny only primary group SID + The deny-only primary group SID of the user + + + Group SID + The group SID of the user + + + Primary group SID + The primary group SID of the user + + + Primary SID + The primary SID of the user + + + Windows account name + The domain account name of the user in the form of domain\user + + + Is Registered User + User is registered to use this device + + + Device Identifier + Identifier of the device + + + Device Registration Identifier + Identifier for Device Registration + + + Device Registration DisplayName + Display name of Device Registration + + + Device OS type + OS type of the device + + + Device OS Version + OS version of the device + + + Is Managed Device + Device is managed by a management service + + + Forwarded Client IP + IP address of the user + + + Client Application + Type of the Client Application + + + Client User Agent + Device type the client is using to access the application + + + Client IP + IP address of the client + + + Endpoint Path + Absolute Endpoint path which can be used to determine active versus passive clients + + + Proxy + DNS name of the federation server proxy that passed the request + + + Application Identifier + Identifier for the Relying Party + + + Application policies + Application policies of the certificate + + + Authority Key Identifier + The Authority Key Identifier extension of the certificate that signed an issued certificate + + + Basic Constraint + One of the basic constraints of the certificate + + + Enhanced Key Usage + Describes one of the enhanced key usages of the certificate + + + Issuer + The name of the certificate authority that issued the X.509 certificate + + + Issuer Name + The distinguished name of the certificate issuer + + + Key Usage + One of the key usages of the certificate + + + Not After + Date in local time after which a certificate is no longer valid + + + Not Before + The date in local time on which a certificate becomes valid + + + Certificate Policies + The policies under which the certificate has been issued + + + Public Key + Public Key of the certificate + + + Certificate Raw Data + The raw data of the certificate + + + Subject Alternative Name + One of the alternative names of the certificate + + + Serial Number + The serial number of a certificate + + + Signature Algorithm + The algorithm used to create the signature of a certificate + + + Subject + The subject from the certificate + + + Subject Key Identifier + Describes the subject key identifier of the certificate + + + Subject Name + The subject distinguished name from a certificate + + + V2 Template Name + The name of the version 2 certificate template used when issuing or renewing a certificate. The extension is Microsoft specific. + + + V1 Template Name + The name of the version 1 certificate template used when issuing or renewing a certificate. The extension is Microsoft specific. + + + Thumbprint + Thumbprint of the certificate + + + X.509 Version + The X.509 format version of a certificate + + + Inside Corporate Network + Used to indicate if a request originated inside corporate network + + + Password Expiration Time + Used to display the time when the password expires + + + Password Expiration Days + Used to display the number of days to password expiry + + + Update Password URL + Used to display the web address of update password service + + + Authentication Methods References + Used to indicate all authentication methods used to authenticate the user + + + Client Request ID + Identifier for a user session + + + + +
+ + + + +
+ + +
+ + + + + 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 + + + + + + + MIIC1jCCAb6gAwIBAgIQQFxK+48DP6JHunIm7oDFRDANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQsFADAnMSUwIwYDVQQDExxBREZTIFNpZ25pbmcgLSBsb2dpbjEuZmhzLnNlMB4XDTE4MDMyOTA4NDgyMloXDTE5MDMyOTA4NDgyMlowJzElMCMGA1UEAxMcQURGUyBTaWduaW5nIC0gbG9naW4xLmZocy5zZTCCASIwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEBBQADggEPADCCAQoCggEBAOU4TbE5Q9vYKOIeo4LAdYb156uXz8MfGNddJ0LV5MaVACDzDvX2I+7yXXFfHB/Y39HeJlWzYaR8Nae8vyeCiC2pnt9WXe+kvsdfGwCgCCmbv2DuCcgnprquqUCO6uU9fqMi1hgMMHpGcE+33SyZoXdrIRJ+b4DV2mfmaW0LKNxsz2KU9NYpe41tybMYL1FDw0sGYTyHsdTORvGueO7ccInPCAh8yeVRLu9qIya3yvNxb41/dSmk3Gw/K3VFCaV5wXG4npLmcLWYw+8d+xN8SDRaxys0nojEFtzFM/0Bp4WjdiY74sHwG8UeVL4NmmOSkII2BDsYaKgzzoAmMREx9i0CAwEAATANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQsFAAOCAQEAt3KSlG7b58D4w9jqz29ZgUuJYCBxQbc+64w0/9mFu2NWwV1F0+4SdnGJGKhyGC8hbegTC+CW464xoRpQJQZfT1hwwt/oRfy3VR+1mZffMvq6bHXZFhWqTasQNZOqgEzTj+bmpUQZnK1UJhM5wR0aM2nPkvkNfMh+Ee1EOlITJs8Gv7hnO6f9I+gp1YixBe9LZs5yTnPrOUYxOcDfn8RE8+H+NwJ9NotK192T5ek7Lqy6TTt09uWYFuGhVW2aJdmI0IaoLhccJyuTHLG5vR+67QCkJ3Qkg7qymh4wLi4pYdjdq+qBKIRmPRNswQhGx0GpamGwDdzboBWJT2cgQbVESg== + + + + + + urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format:emailAddress + urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameid-format:persistent + urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameid-format:transient + + + + + + + + + MIIC3DCCAcSgAwIBAgIQeWr7QXhH9JlNlt0yAGXDnzANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQsFADAqMSgwJgYDVQQDEx9BREZTIEVuY3J5cHRpb24gLSBsb2dpbjEuZmhzLnNlMB4XDTE4MDMyOTA4NDgyM1oXDTE5MDMyOTA4NDgyM1owKjEoMCYGA1UEAxMfQURGUyBFbmNyeXB0aW9uIC0gbG9naW4xLmZocy5zZTCCASIwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEBBQADggEPADCCAQoCggEBALfSk8YUwkg2sQvT4Rvo3eHVG6E0TSKvd2REO8iTzMpmMS4D+xRmduJi/d2GBczY5GKzjsm8Ykfz/kF+0zKUyLXjSBxyf1c/HY7ShULcZQI2hYIk9pIafLym1log++Yq1x7A8toQmbIqFQkNfzerb1FSlHhDH9y1ENcVY57Xy4mQGXGdgvUKB7cID4hHPfLvNb9rECmxnznb0aSfumIf169LA662B2QcZOfvdC6L+/okJLoa69X4/wkfYhyXXXaCCmd1EGN4CzXiPKD5LCDFC28hhAC6eaU4e0z+T3u8+HQZTkAP4QnJk18NDqDeS9BTo7iifwjOhScIK+WOTGdgxB0CAwEAATANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQsFAAOCAQEAFqWIanhTOtPbdyNc3ILtasZPG7srR86xgIUBL4Bb5RZbdEsXSDDYnJGsstwgKb0f8aGeVUaqgq+a/VrNwMIaTbj9bMU85kcJuipj5mhsJ1YY5zgPvpK1uum/AWjPHjn21JQGpqfxJngGJl54FWNhAJL85k+H/3MODSIzrH5Kmyuq+1qU9E5vlvoVJn0WPxowJS7Y9PimatpbNSio/lQ0Rk14GOn6C2/NwBm3wGqpRqRcYsXoYCGDL9ACbiUiBazcslBsURJsTagU68UHytrSsifzRiUdpzOzCf8FICfLDLYFq010hpSUgRWp5uffHpZGUhoHh2tjDym3XZ3TyH70GA== + + + + + + + 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 + + + + + + + urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format:emailAddress + urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameid-format:persistent + urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameid-format:transient + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Försvarshögskolan test + Försvarshögskolan test + + + + Alex + Sjöblom + + +46(0)855342545 + +
-- cgit v1.2.3